What is the Industry Standard for Concrete Cracks?

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Use the main navigation at the top of this page to find what you're looking for. Enter this 5-digit unlock code on the website. CSC) as we know it today was formed in 1958 through the merger of three premixed companies. Concrete is a strong and durable material, but it has its limits.

When too much weight is placed on a concrete slab, it can cause cracking. The strength of concrete is measured in pounds per square inch (PSI). A concrete mix with a strength of 2000, 3000, 4000, or more than 5000 PSI means that it would take that many pounds of pressure to crush the slab. Stress can also cause concrete to crack from corners, as concrete cannot shrink around them.

Crusting cracking usually occurs during the concrete stamping process, which is used to add texture or pattern to concrete surfaces. By following proper site preparation, mixing, and finishing practices, it is possible to reduce the occurrence of cracks and create a more attractive concrete project.